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Why Bushel Is Your Next Operation Solution


When considering your next big technological move, there are already too many important checkmarks you need to keep in mind. What is the ROI? How much will it affect current procedures? Is it easily adopted? It’s a lot of work that frankly takes up a large chunk of your busy day. To make it simple for you, our team at Bushel has listed out 10 reasons why Bushel is your next agriculture technology solution––  and why you should care about it.


  1. Value in branding: Grain facilities can have their brand in their growers’ pocket, in their truck, tractor, and on the go all the time.
  2. Constant Communication: Grain buyers can take advantage of messaging through a Bushel-powered app via push notifications. Grower or not, as long as you’ve downloaded your app you can receive push notifications. Easily reach your growers with updates, marketing, and more.
  3. The Power of Real-time Information: Easily provide growers a way to see your cash bids. Grain facilities can also choose to hide their cash bids behind the login.
  4. Time and Administrative Savings: Field less administrative calls and save on administrative time. Growers have their account information easily accessible from the palm of their hand. Current Bushel clients have told us that the quality of calls has increased and when growers are calling they’re looking to do business. Not just wondering how much grain they have at the grain facility how much they have left on a contract, whether they’ve locked in their basis, etc.
  5. Ease of Doing Business: Grain facilities are giving their customers another reason why they do business with them. Their Bushel-powered mobile app helps make it easier to conduct business with their growers and promotes customer retention because not losing money is just as important as making money.
  6. See Results: We provide you with analytics on your Bushel powered applications. You will know how many users are on your branded app, what screens are the most popular, and more.
  7. Ever-evolving Technology Platform: Bushel is a SaaS (software as a service) platform. The Bushel team is constantly adding features based off of the feedback of our customers and the feedback of growers. As we add enhancements and features grain buyers and their growers benefit.
  8. Quick Commerce: Contract eSign is an add-on feature for you to take advantage of. Grain facilities can provide growers an easy way to sign contracts with a grain buyer. Grain facilities save money on ink, toner, stationary, postage, and administrative time sending contracts out and working to get them returned and signed.
  9. Market Leadership: This technology isn’t a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Grain facilities can start reaching the next generation of farmers today.


As you can see, the Bushel platform is bringing more to your business table than just extra cents and dollars. It’s propelling you years ahead of the industry and laying monumental stepping stones for your growers to do better business with you. The question is no longer “Why Bushel?” but rather, “How have I been going on this far without Bushel?” Learn more on Bushel’s differentiators by contacting our team today.


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